Essa semana conheçi a loja (baphonica) do estilista Alexandre Herchcovich no jardins,a loja inaugurou a pouquissimos meses e tá novinha em folha.
Com uma decoração bem intimista,iniciando com paredes cinza escuro,e araras com as peças de roupa tão peculiares do estilista,a loja termina num fundo branco (total),com uma arvore gigante tambem pintada nessa tonalidade!
Entre (as muitas coisas)que curti na loja,foi esse boot com estampa de mini-flores,que eu tava doido por um,no inicio tinha pensado em comprar um oxford,mas tive medo de ficar um pouco feminino demais,dai a opção por esse,que é mais streetwear!Curtiram?

Know the store this week (baphonica) of designer Alexander Herchcovich in gardens, inaugurating the store and saw very few months're brand new.

With a very intimate decor, starting with dark gray walls, and racks of clothing with the designer's so peculiar, the store ends on a white background (total), with a giant tree also painted in this shade!

Among (many things) that enjoyed the shop, was that boot-print mini-flowers, that I was crazy for one, had at first thought to buy an oxford, but I was afraid of getting a little too feminine, hence the choice for this, which is more streetwear!

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