Hoje de presente vão 2 streetstyles pro blog. #TODASGRITA!O nome dela é Isabela Magalhães voces encontram ela no twitter assim:@acacianegra,e tambem a fisguei ali em meados da Lorena,apesar dela resistir pra ser fotografada (rs.),acabei a convençendo a posar aqui pros streetstyles do blog,afinal de contas o estilo dela super entra no contexto desta coluna né gente?!Sua maior referência são:-Tim Burtom e o icone oitentista David Bowie!Perguntei a ela como conseguiu chegar nesse look e ela me deu uma explicação bem simples porem cheia da atitude!Sua teoria é bem simples,ela ama a combinação preto e branco,porem com um que de romantico,dark bem a la Tim Burtom,acertou em cheio bela! Parabens.
Ps:Essa camiseta da Nonsense com essa estampa da Amelie Poulain é SENSACIONAL! ;)
Today will present the two pro streetstyle blog. # ALL SCREAM!
Her name is Isabella Magalhaes you find her on twitter as: @acacianegra, and also hooked there in the mid-Lorena, despite herresistance to being photographed, I convinced her to pose here thepros streetstyle blog, and accounts afinald her style suepr comes in the context of this column right people?!
His main reference is Tim Burtom and eighties icon David Bowie, I asked her how she got this look and she gave me an explanationand simple yet full of attitude! His theory is simple, she loves the combination of black and white, but with a than romanticco, darkand a la Tim Burtom, beautiful spot on! Congratulations.
Ps: This Nonsense T-shirt with this pattern of Amelie Poulain
O nome dela á Gabriela Jungmann,no face ela tá assim: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000388327427 achei o look dela bem autoral!
A começar pela saia que é da sua mãe,e beeeem longa,de uma textura aveludada,coisa linda!
O que gostei tambem foi o link com os acessórios,o colar era bem pesado mais ficou leve com a sua composição,fora a bolsinha la Louis Vuitton que é um mimo né gente?!
Arrazou Gabriela!
Her name is Isabella Magalhaes you find her on twitter as: @acacianegra, and also hooked there in the mid-Lorena, despite herresistance to being photographed, I convinced her to pose here thepros streetstyle blog, and accounts afinald her style suepr comes in the context of this column right people?!
His main reference is Tim Burtom and eighties icon David Bowie, I asked her how she got this look and she gave me an explanationand simple yet full of attitude! His theory is simple, she loves the combination of black and white, but with a than romanticco, darkand a la Tim Burtom, beautiful spot on! Congratulations.
Ps: This Nonsense T-shirt with this pattern of Amelie Poulain
His main reference is Tim Burtom and eighties icon David Bowie, I asked her how she got this look and she gave me an explanationand simple yet full of attitude! His theory is simple, she loves the combination of black and white, but with a than romanticco, darkand a la Tim Burtom, beautiful spot on! Congratulations.
Ps: This Nonsense T-shirt with this pattern of Amelie Poulain
O nome dela é Marina Gallatti,voces acham ela no twitter no @magallatiao vê-la na entrada do saguão da bienal,pensei:-Essa mereçe entrar pros streetstyles do blog!
Perguntando a ela a inspiração pro 2º dia de desfiles da #SPFW ela me disse que foi o que veio na telha,e usou o que sentiu de usar,rs.
Essa combinação de vestido longo,com a jaquetinha de couro,ficou sensaional!
Amei a forma que ela linkou os acessorios dourados,
Parabens Marina!
Her name is Marina Gallatti, you guys find it on twitter at @ magallatito see her in the entrance lobby of the biennial, I thought, "Thatdeserves to enter the pros streetstyle blog!
Asking her the inspiration for two days of parades in SPFW # she told me that was what came in the tile, and used what he felt to use,lol.
This combination of long dress with a leather jacket, wassensaional!
I loved the way she've linked the gold accessories,
Congratulations Marina!
O nome dela é Barbara Mash fisguei ela na entrada da #SPFW achei o look super bem construido,e com uma pegada mais rocker,as peças segundo ela foram escolhidas por uma inspiração mais rústica,e o rocker tambem foi um dos pontos de partida! Sem contar que o coletinho foi ela mesma quem fez! (fina!)
Lindo streetstyle!
Her name is Barbara Mash hooked it at the entrance of # SPFW found thelook very well built, and with a footprint more rocker, she said the pieceswere chosen by more rútica an inspiration, and the rocker was also a point of departure! Not to mention that the coletinho was she who did! (fina!)
Streetstyle Beautiful!
Her name will Jungmann Gabriela http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000388327427 and I found the look and copyrightof it!
Starting with the skirt that is his mother, and verrrrry long, a velvety texture, beautiful thing!
What I liked was also the link with the accessories, the necklacewas far outweighed was light with its composition and the pouch itwas Louis who is a Vuitton treat people right?!
Gabriela shone!
Av.Paulista 9:00 horas da manhã.
Avisto um lenço colorido da menina de óculos grandes.Passo.Então penso:-Ela mereçe entrar pros streetsyles do blog.Volto.
Seu nome é Larissa,voces encontram ela no twitter como @lariica
Ela me disse que o estilo dela sai naturalmente,ela não cria fórmulas,nem arruma a roupa no dia anterior,simplesmente o que sente de vestir no dia,ela vai lá e veste!
Amei a combinação de texturas diferentes,tanto do lenço,como da bolsa e do mega fofo tênis!
Parabéns Larissa!
Av.Paulista 9:00 am.
I catch sight of a colorful scarf girl with glassesgrandes.Passo.Então think: "She deserves to enter the prosstreetsyles blog.Volto.
His name is Larissa, you guys find her on Twitter as @lariica
She told me that she leaves estilod course, it does not createformulas or arranges the clothes the day before, just what it feels to wear on the day she goes out and wears!
I loved the combination of different textures, both of the handkerchief, as the pouch and mega cute shoes!
I loved, loved, loved.
Congratulations Larissa! ___________________________________________
O primeiro streetsyle da semana,vem bem colorido,e cheio de desenhos fofos! O nome dela é Stephanie,tá ai o link dela no Face:http://www.facebook.com/?sk=inbox&ref=mb#!/?sk=inbox&page=2&action=read&tid=120bb613896d43778ac9503fba758105 e ao entrevista-la,ela me disse que o método que utiliza pra definir um look antes de sair de casa,é usar somente aquilo que a agrada,sendo assim,ela vai lá pega a que mais gosta (no dia) e sai!Parabens pela escolha desse dia,ficou sensacional!
The first streetsyle the week, is very colorful and full of cutedrawings!
Her name is Stephanie, tá ai the link to it in the Facebook:http://www.facebook.com/?sk=inbox&ref=mb#!/?sk=inbox&page=2&action=read&tid=120bb613896d43778ac9503fba758105 and interview her, she told me that the method it uses to define alook before you leave home, is to use only what pleases her, so shegoes there to catch you like best (in days) and get out!
Ela tambem é minha aluna,e cheia de estilo!Seu nome é Lidriele e ela arraza nos looks e nos makes!E não é puxasaquismo de professor não,é a verdade e ponto!Gostei muito dessa brincadeira de texturas que ela fez,usando uma saia(opera rock) mega volumosa com esse maxi-lenço,ficou belissimo!Fora essa boina que deu todo um charme pro look,eu tiro meu chapéu pra voce Lidri!
She is also my student, and full of style! His name is and she Lidriellearraza in looks and make up! And it is not a teacher, and the truth is thatvery ponto.gostei brinaceira textures that she did, using a skirt (rock opera)with this massive mega maxi-scarf, was very beautiful! Outside the berethas a special charm that pro look, I tip my hat to you Lidri!
É obvio que eu tinha que falar desse olho incrivel,que foi ela mesma quem fez! Of course I had to talk about this incredible eye, it was she who did!
Esse streetstyle foi tirado no local onde ministro minhas aulas de make,essa é uma de minhas alunas,achei o look dela bem coerente com esse tempo frio que nos ultimos dias, é só o que tem dado né gente?
Amei o composite do look inteiro,destaque pra essa bota preta lindissima da Gino Ventori,que deu todo o glamour pro look!
Parabéns Neia!
Streetstyle This was taken at a place where my classes Minister of make, this is one of my students, I found her look quite consistent with this cold weather in recent days, just what has given right people?
I loved the whole look of the composite, especially for the black bootlindissima Ventor's Gino, who gave all glamor look!
Congratulations Neia!
O nome dela é Liane Beatriz Freddi (voces acham ela assim no Face tambem!),a vi quando dei uma passada pelos arredores do Bom retiro,achei ela super ela no estilo,por isso entra pro hall dos streetstyles do blog!
Perguntei a ela como ela cria os seus looks,então como resposta obtive:
-Eu não sou (nem um pouco)ligada a marcas,visto o que gosto,e meio que vou garimpando tudo até criar um look!
Parte das peças ela comprou no sul (onde morava!),e partes aqui em São Paulo,
parabens Liane! _________________________________________________________________________
Her name will Jungmann Gabriela http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000388327427 and I found the look and copyrightof it!
Starting with the skirt that is his mother, and verrrrry long, a velvety texture, beautiful thing!
What I liked was also the link with the accessories, the necklacewas far outweighed was light with its composition and the pouch itwas Louis who is a Vuitton treat people right?!
Gabriela shone!
Starting with the skirt that is his mother, and verrrrry long, a velvety texture, beautiful thing!
What I liked was also the link with the accessories, the necklacewas far outweighed was light with its composition and the pouch itwas Louis who is a Vuitton treat people right?!
Gabriela shone!
Her name is Stephanie, tá ai the link to it in the Facebook:http://www.facebook.com/?sk=inbox&ref=mb#!/?sk=inbox&page=2&action=read&tid=120bb613896d43778ac9503fba758105 and interview her, she told me that the method it uses to define alook before you leave home, is to use only what pleases her, so shegoes there to catch you like best (in days) and get out!
Amei o composite do look inteiro,destaque pra essa bota preta lindissima da Gino Ventori,que deu todo o glamour pro look!
Parabéns Neia!
Streetstyle This was taken at a place where my classes Minister of make, this is one of my students, I found her look quite consistent with this cold weather in recent days, just what has given right people?
I loved the whole look of the composite, especially for the black bootlindissima Ventor's Gino, who gave all glamor look!
Congratulations Neia!
Perguntei a ela como ela cria os seus looks,então como resposta obtive:
-Eu não sou (nem um pouco)ligada a marcas,visto o que gosto,e meio que vou garimpando tudo até criar um look!
Parte das peças ela comprou no sul (onde morava!),e partes aqui em São Paulo,
parabens Liane!